One Good Walk!
Today I went for the best walk I have ever had during our time here spent on the East Coast. When I have gone for walks and runs before, they are through neighborhoods and busy streets and I never had the peace and joy that I felt when I used to go for walks back in my home in Seattle. I loved walking around my home in Seattle because the air felt so fresh, there were trees everywhere, and there were hills...theres something about me that I just really love walking or running hills. I know it is funny to blog about this but I am really grateful for it! We have been blessed with nice sidewalks and flat roads in the different places we have lived but that is just not my thing! I remember running the sidewalk with a friend along the coast of San Diego and even though it was beautiful it didn't have the same joy as running up and down hills in the mountains. So that is what I am grateful for this Thanksgiving! Seriously. Kevin has been consumed the past 4 months with working on a time sensitive and intensive project that the major push of came to a close this past week. That has freed us up to begin to have more of a regular schedule where I can begin to get some exercise again. I hope I can keep with it through the winter would really help to keep the weight off which I really need to do after having Cole, not losing any baby weight and then getting pregnant 7 weeks later! The reason I finally went for a walk like this..the country road is right around the corner from our apartments...something about walking around our apartments just doesn't do it for me. Just to let you know, I made sure to take my cell phone with my and call Kevin and let him know where I am. I plan to time it all out so he knows where I am at different points in my walk and give him a call at the halfway point just to be extra safe...but our community is known to be one of the safest in the nation so it should be good. Happy Thanksgiving!
Anne - That sounds nice! I've run with Kim a few times on trails around here and it is so much nicer than running on the road. I'm so glad that you are blogging again.
Potts Family 5, at 12:10 PM
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